Do you know the feeling of sitting at home wondering how you should react in a certain situation… or are you asking yourself “Lord, how things are supposed to work out in my marriage or in my job?” … Maybe you are also wondering what your purpose in life is or how you should raise your kids in a good way. The Bible has an answer to all those questions.

You can search all other guides in the whole world you would never find another book that would give you so much insight on how to live your life. God’s Word teaches us who we are in Christ… it tells us that we are loved…

it shows us that we can overcome all things… it teaches us how we can really enjoy life in abundance until it overflows.

We learn how to find joy, hope and peace in situations that everyone around us claims to be a dead end.

Pastor Frank J. Williams Jr.
Minister Thomas Fritsche
As God’s children we are also His heirs – this means everything God promises us in His Word is ours to receive. In the Bible He has placed all His advice, His joy, His hope, His strength, His power, His love, His peace, and so much more. It is ours to have.
At the PFF Bible Study we come together to learn about God’s promises. As an heir in the world goes to his lawyer to find out about his heritage, we go to God and are amazed how many wonderful promises He has placed before us.
Come out to Bible Study!
Learn with us to enjoy God’s life!
Bring all your questions concerning
God and His Word with you.
We will make sure we’ll find an answer to every single one of them.
Wednesdays 19:00 – 20:30 pm
The German Bible study is led by
Min. Thomas and alternates with the English one.
Pastor Frank J. Williams Jr.
Min. Thomas Fritsche