Build up one another in Christ!
INSPIRED BY 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Come experience God’s presence,
and let His power work in your life.
October 7-13
100% Gospel Workshop
The next 100% Gospel Workshop will take place from October 7. to 13. Guest leader is Joshua Somerville from Portland, Oregon. To register send an E-mail to The concert will be on October 13th at 6 p.m. here at the church.
October 26
Pack Party · Christmas in a shoebox
The PFF Sisterhood invites all ladies to a Pack Party on Sat., October 28, at 11 a.m. We will fill the shoe boxes with the items we collected over the year and afterwards we will fellowship and have pizza.
November 16
Fall Clean Up
This year’s fall clean-up with all congregation will be on November 16th at 10 am. Let’s make our church grounds looking nice and support us!
November 23
PFF Baptism Service
Our next Baptism Service will be on November 23rd at 11 a.m. at the church on Hauptstraße in Schöneberg. Everyone is heartily invited to come. If you want to get baptized or need more information, please contact Min. Thomas.
November 30
Thanksgiving Dinner
Safe the date! On Saturday November 30th we will have our first Thanksgiving Dinner here in the church since the Pandemic.