A small aid organization, committed, very personal and that for decades. The couple named Kaasch does not give up. They founded HaitiCare e.V. about 25 years ago, had to endure numerous storms, setbacks, discouragements, and yet: nothing can stop them from fulfilling their desire to help the people of Haiti with great commitment. Impressive!
The PFF community has been supporting HaitiCare e.V. for many years. Through the sale of donated books during the summer festival or the sale of homemade Christmas cookies in the pre-Christmas season, the money raised has been donated by the congregation to the people of HaitiCare. 100 percent! But also, every single person can help, by one-time donations, money for donations in kind or by taking over a sponsorship. Sis. Claudia keeps in touch with HaitiCare.
Here you can get more information: “HaitiCare e.V.”.